Product publishing and versioning


HESH's versioning system allows you to track changes and manage multiple iterations of your products.

By reading this article you will learn how to manage your product development process efficiently and maintain a history of product updates.


The newly added product is created in a draft mode.

To convert draft product to published (ready to be taken into production), the following steps must be taken:

  • fill SKU for configuration

  • add at least 1 Workflow without issues

  • fill SKU for variant

  • make sure that at least 1 product's variant is active

If at least one of the conditions is not met, a warning icon is shown and "Publish version" button is disabled

Filling the SKU for configuration

  1. Click on the "SKU" field

  2. Enter the SKU for configuration

  3. Click on ✔️ button

Adding workflow

  1. Click on the "Add" button

  2. Enter the name of the workflow

  3. Click on ✔️ button

  4. Click on the workflow zone to open Workflow template canvas

  • Fill the workflow with the tasks and components that match your manufacturing process. See Workflow template to find how to create workflows

  • All requirements were met and product is ready to be published

Publish product version

  1. Click on the "Publish version" button

  2. Confirm by clicking on "Publish" on the confirmation modal to finish publishing

🎉version 1 of your product is published


Versioning helps you:

  • Track product changes over time

  • Manage multiple iterations of your products

  • Publish new versions without affecting current productions

To view detailed information about version, click on the accordion button on the "Version" tab

  • Date of publication - indicates the date and time, when product version was published

  • Version publishing status - indicates whether product is published or draft

  • "In production - <number>" - indicates the number of launched productions with this version

  • "Active" toggle - allows to activate or inactivate version of the product

  • "Preview" button - allows to open version of a product in a view mode

  • "Delete" button - allows to delete draft version

Only draft version of the product can be deleted.

If product only has 1 draft version, "Delete" button is disabled.

  • To delete draft version, click on the "Delete" button and confirm by clicking on "Delete" button on the confirmation modal.

  • To view specific version, click on "Preview" button to open product version in the view mode.

  • To inactivate the version, click on the "Active" toggle and confirm by clicking on the "Inactivate" button on the confirmation modal.

Inactive version can't be launched into production. It has to be activated first.

  • If product version is used as component in other workflows, it's recomend to click on the "related products" on the confirmation modal, in order to see in which products it's used.

  • You can also inactivate product from view mode, by clicking on "Active" toggle and confirm by clicking on the "Inactivate" button on the confirmation modal. See Product version preview modal

  • To activate the version, click on the "Inactive" toggle and confirm by clicking on the "Activate" button on the confirmation modal.

You can also activate product from "Product version preview modal"

Last updated