Searching, sorting and filtering in Production

This section covers how to use filters and pagination to easily browse through the production items on the production page.


The Production page allows users to searching, sorting and filtering for all existing productions according to their preferences.

The main functions include filtering, sorting, and searching by production to help you manage your production efficiently.

By reading this article, learn how to navigate the Productions page, effectively search for productions by various criteria, and manage default filters and sorting settings to optimize your workflow.


The "Production" page can be reached by clicking on the "Production" button on the sidebar menu of the application. By accessing the page, you will be able to see all productions and search through all existing production to find the needed one.

If you don't see "Production" page, perhaps you don't have permissions

  • Default filters and sorting setup:

    1. Sorting - Deadline -> oldest first ⬆️

    2. Filter - Responsible Department - My department & Estimated time & Production status

  • When you re-open the page, the system returns the previously selected filters, sorting, and those settings in the dropdown with extra filters that were selected.

  • Search input field should work with following properties:

    • By product name (product)

    • By production title

    • By order key

    • By production key

    • By external order number

    • By workflow name

    • By configuration name

    • By primary client name

Combine different filters with each other and with a specific sort or search option.


Use the 'Sort' dropdown to arrange the product list or search results in the order that's most relevant. Sorting option are following:

  • Created at (Oldest first and Newest first)

  • Deadline (Oldest first and Newest first)

  • Estimated time (Shortest first and Longest first)

  • Order priority (Lowest first and Highest first)

  • Progress (Shortest first and Longest first)

  • Responsible (from A-> Z and Z-> A)

  • Started at (Oldest first and Newest first)

  • Status (from A-> Z and Z-> A)

By hovering on the "Sort" badge, you can fing out what sorting option and sorting order is enabled.


To find the product, enter the product name into the search field.

The search results are shown according to the sorting option applied.


The filters allow to narrow down the search results. You can filter by various criteria, making it easier to find the products you need.

Коли пофіксають фільтрацію із айтемами і саб айтемами описати ще принципи фільтрації в цілому.

Below is a list of filters by type that are available in the system.


  • Production status - filtering by specific status. Filter show all production with this status, components and additional components.

  • Production priority - filtering by specific priority.

  • Production key - filtering by specific production key. Components/additional components of the main production have their own production keys.

  • Issues - filtering by specific issue/issues and 'No issue' option is available to find production that don't have a issue.

  • Source - filtering by source where the order came from.

  • Task key - filtering by task keys which has production.


  • Deadline - filtering by specific deadline, corresponds to the number of days stated in the Product.

  • Estimated time - filters by estimated time (in minutes) of main production (incl. time on component producing).

  • Creation date - filtering by specific creation date, corresponds to the date when Production Item was created.

  • Started date - filtering by specific start date, corresponds to the date when Production Status was changed to “In progress”.

  • Completion date - filtering by specific completion date, corresponds to the date when Production Status was changed to “Done”.


  • Responsible - filtering by specific user who can be assigned as responsible on the main production or any component. There are two responsible default options for choosing:

    • Me

    • No responsible - shows all productions without responsible at all.

Or search for specific user.

  • Created by - filtering by specific user who created Production Item.

  • Users assigned - filtering by specific user assigned to the tasks at the moment. Filter shows production where specified user is assignee as performer.


  • Client - filtering by specific value “Client” that was added in the field “Client” of the “New production” pop-up.

  • External order number - filtering by specific External order number.

  • Marketplace order number - filtering by specific Marketplace order number.

  • Order key - filtering by specific order key.

  • Order priority - filtering by specific order priority.

  • Make to stock - filtering by specific

  • Primary client - filtering by specific primary client. “No primary client” checkbox list of all “primary client” names that exist in the system.


  • Responsible department - filtering by specific responsible department. My department set as default.

  • Involved departments - filtering by specific assigned users, who is working on the task.


  • Product -filtering by specific product name.

  • Options - filtering by specific parametrs, for example S/Silk.

  • Product type - filtering by specific product type.

  • Vendor - filtering by specific vendor in the productions.

  • Workflow name - filtering by list of all workflow names that exist in the system.

  • Configuration name - filtering by list of all configuration names that exist in the system.

Last updated