Task template


Task Template defines the details, responsibilities, time limits, and rewards for a specific task. After reading this article, you will have a comprehensive understanding how use Task Template effectively. By mastering this feature, you can significantly streamline your production processes and ensure greater efficiency and consistency in your workflows.


To open the Task template, click on the task card on the Workflow template page.

Opening task

Task template key elements

  • Breadcrumbs - a navigational tool that allows you to keep track of the current location and navigate to the needed location

Task template breadcrumbs behavior:

  • Clicking on the "Back" button returns you to the previous page from which you came to the current one

  • Clicking on the "Home" button returns you to Homepage

  • Clicking on the "All products" button redirects you to the All products page

  • Clicking on the "Category" name redirects you to the All product page view filtered by this category

  • Clicking on the "Product name" redirect you to the Product page first in order configuration view

  • Clicking on the "Workflow name" redirect you to the workflow canvas where this task is placed

  • Task name displays the current task name

Task template breadcrumbs
  • Header - shows the current task name and allows you to edit it if necessary

Task template header

To edit task template name:

  1. Click on the task name to activate the input field

  2. Enter new task name

  3. Click on the ✔️ to save new name

Task name is limited by 255 characters.

Editing task template name
  • Details - allows you to add and format the task description

Task template with empty "Details" field

Adding description

  1. Click on the "Details" input field

  2. Enter the text

  3. Formate added text according to needs (make text bold, add bullet points, links or emojiis)

  4. Click on the ✔️ to save new name

The "Details" field does not have a hard limit on the number of characters.

Adding description into the "Details" section
  • "Files" section - allows you to attach files in various formats so performers have all the information they need

Task template with empty "Files" section

The formats that could be uploaded - .txt, .doc, .docx, .pdf, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .mp4, .xls, .xlsx, .mov, .webp

Adding files

  1. Drag file or click on the "Click to upload" button

  2. Select files you want to upload from the folder on the

  3. Click on the "Save" button

File limits are:

  • .mp4, .mov - 2 Gb

  • .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .webp - 20 Mb

  • txt, .doc, .docx, .pdf, .xls, .xlsx - 20 Mb

Files uploading
  • "Related tasks" section - allows you to see the sequence of previous and following tasks in the workflow

"Related tasks" section

Opening previous/next task template:

  • Click on the the previous/next items in the “Related tasks” section

Navigating through "Related task" section
  • "Basic parameters" section - allows you to set the time limit, reward, priority, and type of the task

Сhanging the basic parameters, "time limit" and "basic reward", directly affects the summary indicators on the Canvas Workflow template key elements

"Basic parameters" section

Setting time limit

  1. Click on the input field

  2. Enter the number

  3. Click outside the input area

You can set time limit in seconds, minutes, hours.

Setting time limit for the Task template

Setting priority

  1. Click on the "Priority" field

  2. Select the option

Setting priority for the Task template

Setting basic reward

  1. Click on the "Basic reward" field

  2. Enter the number

Setting basic reward

Changing task type

  1. Click on the "Type field

  2. Select task type

  3. Click on the "Change" button to confirm that you want to change the task type*

*in case you selected "Additional" task type from the dropdown

In case you changed task type from "Workflow" to "Additional", then system deletes all input and output relations of the task on the canvas and moves task to the "Additional tasks" container

Changing task type of the Task template
  • "Responsibility" section - allows you to define the responsibilities of performers (type of assignment to the task, number of performers, assignment criterias etc.)

    • Task template is created with default responsibility: 1 performer and manual assignment type.

    • Task must have at lest 1 responsibility, but also can have more than 1 responsibility.

    • Task can have 3 assignment types:

      • Manual - user must assign performer themself to the task after production launch

      • Automatic - system assigns user to the task automatically after production launch

      • Self-assignment - performer assigns themselves to the task after production launch

"Responsibility" section

Changing responsibility title

  1. Click on the ✏️ button

  2. Enter new name in the "Responsibility title" field

  3. Click on the "Save settings" button

Changing responsibility title

Changing number of performers

  1. Click on the ✏️ button

  2. Enter new number of performers in the "Number of performers" field

  3. Click on the "Save settings" button

Click on the button to increase number of performers or click on the button to decrease number of performers.

Changing number of performers

Changing assignment type

  1. Click on the ✏️ button

  2. Select new assignment type

  3. Click on the "Save settings" button

Changing assignment type

Narrowing list of possible performers by department

  1. Click on the ✏️ button

  2. Click on the "Add" button near "By department" field

  3. Search the department from which you want to have performers for the task

  4. Click on the sign near the department name

  5. Click on the "Save settings" button

Narrowing list of possible performers by position

  1. Click on the ✏️ button

  2. Click on the "Add" button near "By position" field

  3. Search the position of users under which you want to perform the task

  4. Click on the sign near the position name

  5. Click on the "Save settings" button

Narrowing list of performers by position

Narrowing list of possible performers by user

  1. Click on the ✏️ button

  2. Click on the "Add" button near "By user" field

  3. Search the user which you want to perform the task

  4. Click on the sign near the department user name

  5. Click on the "Save settings" button

Narrowing list of possible performers by user

Adding responsibility

  1. Click on the "Add" button

  2. Set up the number of performers, assignment type

  3. Click on the "Save settings" button

Adding responsibility

Deleting responsibility

  1. Click on the 🗑️ button

  2. Confirm by clicking on "Delete" button

Task template must have at least 2 responsibilities to 🗑️ button became enabled.

Deleting responsibility
  • "Bonuses" section - allows you to define extra reward for the task based on the product options (size, colour, material)

    • Bonuses can be assigned in 2 types: as a percentage of the basic reward or as a fixed amount

    • The "Bonuses" pop-up displays a filled option list that has been set up for this product configuration earlier

    • The number of bonuses is limited by the total number of "Option" values of the product configuration

Task template with empty "Bonuses" section

Adding bonus

  1. Click on the "Add" button

  2. Select option

  3. Set the bonus for the option

  4. Click on the "Save" button

Adding bonus

Adding the bonus combinations

  1. Click on the "Add" button

  2. Select combinations of options

  3. Click on the "Add combination" button

  4. Set the bonus for the combinations of options

  5. Click on the "Save" button

Adding bonus combination

Deleting the bonus

  • Option 1:

  1. Hover over the bonus option

  2. Click on the ✖️ button

Deleting bonus_Option 1
  • Option 2:

  1. Click on the "Edit" button

  2. Click on the 🗑️ button

  3. Click on the "Save" button

"Bonus" editing menu call out

  1. Click on the "Edit" button

Last updated