💎Product management

Product management in Hesh is the foundation for creating and managing your product data, ensuring that your team has access to the most current and accurate information. Hesh's product management features are designed to streamline your product development processes, improve communication, and provide a central repository for all essential product details.

Hesh's product management system empowers you to:

  • Create and Manage a Product Catalog: Build a comprehensive catalog of your products, including details like product names, types, vendors, categories, and tags.

  • Define Product Configurations: Create configurations for your products, specifying different combinations of options and parameters that define specific product variations.

  • Add Technical Documentation: Store and manage technical documentation, such as product specifications, bill of materials, and manufacturing instructions, directly within Hesh. This ensures that your team has easy access to all essential product information.

  • Upload and Manage Photos and Files: Add photos and files to your products, including technical drawings, product images, and videos. This visual representation helps your team understand the product details and facilitates better communication.

  • Manage Product Versions: Hesh supports versioning, allowing you to track changes and manage multiple iterations of your products. This enables you to create drafts, publish new versions, and maintain a history of product updates.

Benefits of Hesh's Product Management:

  • Centralised Product Information: Hesh provides a single source of truth for all product data, ensuring consistency and reducing errors.

  • Product Life Cycle Management (PLM): Track product changes and manage multiple iterations through versioning and drafts.

  • Streamlined Production Planning: Define clear product configurations and workflows, enabling efficient production planning.

  • Improved Communication: Share product information and documentation seamlessly with your team.

Next Steps:

This introduction provides a high-level overview of product management in Hesh. To learn more, explore the following articles:

  • Managing Products: Learn how to create new products, delete, move products, and add categories.

  • Product Configurations: Discover how to define product configurations and manage options and parameters.

  • Adding Technical Documentation: Learn how to upload and manage technical documentation for your products.

  • Managing Photos and Files: Explore Hesh's features for adding and managing product photos and files.

  • Product Versions and Publishing: Understand how to create and manage product versions, including drafts and publishing.

Last updated