Managing products and catalogs


Products may be organised in folders, we call them categories. You may choose any kind of structure you need, name folders by product types, collection names, authors, etc. Products can be easily moved from category to category without any affect on the current manufacturing process. You may create any kind of deep nesting structure of folders.


To get to the "Products" page, click on the "Products" button on the sidebar menu of the application.

If you don't see "Products" page, you don't have the permission.

Adding product

  1. Click on the "Add Product" button

  2. Enter product name

  3. Click on the ✔️ button

New product is created in draft mode. It means that this product is not accessible in production yet and needs to be published. See Product publishing and versioning

Adding category

  1. Click on the "New Category" button

  2. Enter category name

  3. Click on the ✔️ button

Easily navigate through folders by clicking on them. Navigation structure (breadcrumbs) present at the top of the page. Use them by pressing on needed folder or move backward via "back" button.

Renaming product and categories

  1. Click on the "Rename" action button

  2. Enter new name

  3. Click on the ✔️ button

Moving product and categories

Move products into the folder (category) by clicking on the "Move to" button in the "More actions" menu of the product you want to move.

Move folder into another folder by clicking on the "Move to" button in the "More actions" menu of the category you want to move.

Move multiple products and categories into another folder at once by clicking on "Select" button and after selecting items, click on the "Move to" button on the top panel.

Duplicating product

To duplicate product, click on the "Duplicate" button in the "More actions" menu of the product you want to duplicate.

After clicking on the "Duplicate" button, the duplicated product will appear at the top of the product list with "copy" badge at the end of the product name, in the draft mode.

Deactivating Products

  • To prevent specific product from launching into production you can deactivate entire product.

To deactivate product, click on the "Deactivate" button in the "More actions" menu of the product you want to deactivate.

Deleting products and categories

To delete product or category, click on "Delete" button in the "More actions" menu of the item you want to delete.

Note that you can not delete products that have been produced or that are used as components in other products.

Move to another category

You can move products to categories (folders) from Product search page as well.

  1. Click on "Select" button at the top panel.

  2. Tick checkboxes near products you want to move.

  3. Click on "Move to" butto

  4. Select the category (folder) you want products move to

  5. Click on the "Move to" button

Additional features

Product tags

Organise products with tags to manage products easily.

Adding tag

  1. Click on "Manage tag" button in the "More Actions" menu or

  2. Click on the "Products tag" icon on the product (if product already has tags)

  3. Enter the tag's name into the input field

  4. Click on the tag

  5. Click on the "Save" button.

*To add a tag that already exists in the system:

  1. Start entering the tag's name in the input field

  2. Selects suitable option from the list

  3. Click on the tag

  4. Click on the "Save" button

Deleting tag

  1. Click on the ✖️ button

  2. Click on "Save" button

You can delete multiple tags at once

To search products or categories, use the search filed on the All products page.

Clicking on the "product name" will open the product in detailed view.

Clicking on the "category name" will open the category in detailed view.

Clicking on the "Search" button will redirect to the Product search page. See Searching products

For more information on specific product management features, refer to the related articles listed below:

  • Product Versions and Publishing: Learn about creating and managing product versions.

  • Product Configurations: Discover how to define product configurations and manage options and parameters.

  • Adding Technical Documentation: Learn how to upload and manage technical documentation for your products.

  • Managing Photos and Files: Explore Hesh's features for adding and managing product photos and files.

Last updated