Managing users

In this section, you learn how to manage users in Hesh: add new users, edit their data, add them to a department and set up a position, set days off, and much more.

  • New users are added with a Pending status by default.

  • Users have basic permissions by default (Product page - view only).

Accessing the page

Adding user

  1. Open "User" page

  2. Press "Add user" button

  3. Fill in basic Info needed for adding user in "Add user" modal

  4. Press "Add button"

  5. Find your user in the list and open user profile page with all info about this user: General info, Security settings, Position info, Permissions, Day off info

Managing users

Adding user

  1. Press "Add user" button

  2. Fill in basic Info needed for adding user in "Add user" modal

  3. Press "Add button"

  4. Find your user in the list and open user profile page with all info about this user: General info, Security settings, Position info, Permissions, Day off info

Inviting users

  • Adding Users:

    • When you/admin add a new user, an invitation email is automatically sent to them.

  • Resending Invitations:

    • If needed, Admin can easily resend invitation emails to users who are still in Pending status.

  • The link is active for 24 hours.

  • Users can access the link multiple times until they set their password.

  • The link is deleted if the manager changes the password or if the user status changes from Pending to Inactive.

  • If the invitation link expires, the system automatically sends a notification to the admin's email with a new link.

Process of accepting an invitation:

Edit user general information

  • Select a user from the list

  • Open user profile by pressing on him/her

  • Press on "General Information" side tab

  • Press "Upload button" for profile photo

    • If you want to remove it press "Remove button" for profile photo

  • Press on status icon on "General information"

  • Change status:

    • For Pending status - choose Inactivate button in dropdown or press "Resend invitation" button near

    • For Active status - choose "Inactivate button" in dropdown

    • For Inactive status - choose "Activate button" in dropdown

  • Press "Edit button" on General information

  • In the "Edit" pop-up change user data: First name, Last name, phone number and external id of a selected user user email can not be changed

Edit User security info

  • Click the "Security" tab in the sidebar.

  • You will see the security information for the selected user:

    • If the user has a status of "Pending": the system will suggest to create a password for them on the security page.

    • If the user does not have the "Pending" status: change the password manually or send a link to reset the password to the user's email so that it follows the "Forgot/reset password" process.

  • Click the "Create password/Change password" button.

  • In the "Create new password" pop-up window, enter a new password.

  • Click the "Confirm password" button in the pop-up window.

  • The system displays a message about successful password change.

    • If the user's status was "Pending", the system will change the status to "Active".

User Position Info

  • Open "Position" tab

  • Press "Manage User Position" button

  • Choose position title from the list or write a new one

  • Choose a user

  • Press "Save" button

    • If you change your mind press "Cancel" button

  • This user will not be part of any department, so you should move her/him to the appropriate one.

Inviting users

  1. Adding Users:

    • When you/admin add a new user, an invitation email is automatically sent to them.

  2. Resending Invitations:

    • If needed, Admin can easily resend invitation emails to users who are still in Pending status.

  3. Invitation Link:

    • The link is active for 24 hours.

    • The link is deleted if the manager changes the password or if the user status changes from Pending to Inactive.

  4. Invitation Link Expiration:

    • If the invitation link expires, the system automatically sends a notification to the admin's email with a new link.

  5. Process of accepting an invitation:

Sorting Options for User List

Sorting Options for User List:

Use the "Sort" dropdown to arrange the usert list in the order that's most relevant. You can sort by User name, Status , or Create date.

Use the "Sort" dropdown to arrange the usert list in the order that's most relevant. You can sort by User name, Status , or Create date.

  • Create date: Oldest first ⬆️, Newest first ⬇️.

  • Status: A → Z ⬆️, Z → A ⬇️.

  • User name: A → Z ⬆️, Z → A ⬇️.

Inviting users

Filtering Options for User List

Use the "Filter`s" dropdown to look through the usert list in the view that's most relevant. You can filter by "Status" and "Vacation".

  • Status: All, Active, Inactive, Pending

  • Vacation: All, At vacation, Not at vacation

Searching Options for User List

Use "Search by Keyword" option for searching users in your company.

Inactivating user

The user cannot be deleted, only inactivated.

Likewise, you can easily restore access to a user with the same profile.

User details management

General information


Last updated