
Everything about user permissions and their abilities

Basic rules:

  • Permissions are configured for each user on the User details page.

  • The administrator has all permissions by default. Only the administrator can change the permissions of other administrators.

  • The administrator cannot disable his administrative rights.

  • The first user in the company gets the role "Company owner" and the permission "System owner". The company owner can transfer his rights to another user, but a company can have only one owner.

  • All users have the "Products view" and "My tasks view & edit" permissions enabled by default. They cannot be switched off. To enable editing, first enable the view.

  • Enabling the edit permission will automatically enable the viewing of this object.

Main types of users:

  • User

  • Admin

By default, the user has access only to the Product View page on Web. And on mobile My tasks view and edit page. The person who added the new user must set permissions for other features.

Web access

Product view can't be turn off.


  • Product view

If the user is denied editing access, a modal window appears with the following notification.

  • Product edit

    • Open "Permission" page in "User" tab.

    • Admin activate "Product edit" toggle.

    • The user will be able to create, edit, and publish products, but not launch them into production.


  • Production view

    • Open "Permission" page in "User" tab.

    • Admin activate "Production view" toggle.

    • The user needs to refresh the browser page.

    • The user will be able to view a page with productions and can view the planned, started and completed productions.

If the user is denied editing access, a modal window appears with the following notification.

  • Production edit

    • Open "Permission" page in "User" tab.

    • Admin activate "Production edit" toggle.

    • The user needs to refresh the browser page.

    • The user will be able to create, edit, and publish productions.


  • Task view and Task edit level

    • Open "Permission" page in "User" tab.

    • Admin activate "Task view" toggle and choose "Task edit level".

    • The user needs to refresh the browser page.

    • The user will be able to create and manage task according to chosen level.

If the user is denied editing access or the editing level does not allow editing the selected task, a modal window appears with the following message.

  • Manage failed tasks Reopened tasks behaves similar to To do tasks, but user doesn`t get repayment for it.

  • Manage “In queue” state This functionality allows you to unlock tasks independently of the queue. By default, the next task is unlocked when the previous one is closed. In this case, the user has permission to unlock the task, and then the next performer can start working.


In this section, the Admin/User can activate other pages for the user if necessary, but only on request, because this access to this functionality is optional and does not affect the performance of the direct functional duties of an ordinary user.

Access to these pages has the following consequences:

  • the user can create and manage positions and departments.

  • the user can set up permissions for other users.

  • The user can configure the company profile.

  • The user can see the analytics available for the company.

Mobile application access

Permissions for the mobile version are configured separately. But their basic meaning is the same as in the "Web access".

Until you activate any of them, only "My tasks view and edit" will be available for perfomers.

Last updated