Searching products


While Products page gives you tree structure of folders (categories), Product Search provides a single list of all products or components, allowing you to quickly find the items you need in your catalog.

By reading this article, you will learn how to effectively use product search in your catalog with a rich range of available filters and how to optimize the product management process with the help of the Product Search page.


To get to the "Product search" page, click on the "Product search" button on the sidebar menu of the application.

If you don't see "Product search" page, perhaps you don't have permissions


Use the 'Sort' dropdown to arrange the product list or search results in the order that's most relevant.

Sorting options include

  • product name (from A-> Z and Z-> A)

  • product type (from A-> Z and Z-> A)

  • publish date (Oldest first and Newest first).

By hovering on the "Sort" badge, you can fing out what sorting option and sorting order is enabled.


To find the product, enter the product name into the search field.

The search results are shown according to the sorting option applied.

To refine your search, use filters.


The filters allow to narrow down the search results. You can filter by various criteria, making it easier to find the products you need.

Here's a breakdown of all available filters:

  • Vendor - filters by specific vendor and 'No vendor' option is available to find products that don't have a vendor

  • Tag - filters by specific tags that have been assigned to product

  • SKU - filters by product's unique SKU code

  • Product name - filters by product's name

  • Publish date - filters by product's published date. Lets you find products that were published within a specific date range.

  • Last update - filters by product's last update date. Lets you find products that were last updated within a specific date range

  • Options - filters by product's specific option values (e.g., color, size, material)

  • Category - filters by products within specific categories or 'No category' option is available to find products that don't have a category

  • Contains draft - filters among products to find ones that have draft versions. You can select 'All' to see all products, 'Yes' to see only products with drafts, or 'No' to see only products without drafts.

  • Production status - filters among products that are available to be launched into production. You can select 'All' to see all products, 'Yes' to see only products that are available to be launched into production, or 'No' to see only products that aren't available to be launched into production.

To remove filter, simply untick the checkbox near filter name in the filter list.

Last updated