General Information

Edit user general information:

  1. Select a user from the list.

  2. Open user profile by pressing on him/her.

  3. Press on "General Information" side tab.

  4. Press "Upload button" for profile photo.

    • If you want to remove it press "Remove button" for profile photo

  5. Press on status icon on "General information".

  6. Change status:

    • For Pending status - choose Inactivate button in dropdown or press "Resend invitation" button near

    • For Active status - choose "Inactivate button" in dropdown

    • For Inactive status - choose "Activate button" in dropdown

  7. Press "Edit button" on General information.

  8. In the "Edit" pop-up change user data: First name, Last name, phone number and external id of a selected user.

User email can not be changed

User statuses

  • Pending:

    • Assigned when a user is added and an invitation email is sent, but has not yet accepted it.

    • Users in this status are not included in task assignments or requests.

    • The status changes to Active when the user sets their password or is manually changed by an admin.

  • Active:

    • Assigned when the user sets their password or manually by an admin.

    • Users in this status can log in, assign tasks, to be assigned on the task and complete them.

  • Inactive:

    • Assigned manually by an admin from either Pending or Active status.

    • Users in this status are ignored for login, task assignments, and requests but are shown in user list and historical data.

Last updated