
Edit User security info:

  1. Click the "Security" tab in the sidebar.

  2. You will see the security information for the selected user:

    • If the user has a status of "Pending": the system will suggest to create a password for them on the security page.

    • If the user does not have the "Pending" status: change the password manually or send a link to reset the password to the user's email so that it follows the "Forgot/reset password" process.

  3. Click the "Create password/Change password" button.

  4. In the "Create new password" pop-up window, enter a new password.

  5. Click the "Confirm password" button in the pop-up window.

  6. The system displays a message about successful password change.

    • If the user's status was "Pending", the system will change the status to "Active".

Last updated