Key Features

Production Planning and Execution

Visual workflow canvas allows you to create and manage production workflows for your products. You can define tasks, assign responsibilities, set time limits, and track progress in real-time. The system supports both manual and automated task assignments, helping you optimise resource allocation and ensure timely production.

Task Management and Automated Payroll Accounting

Hesh simplifies task management within production workflows. You can create task templates to define the details, responsibilities, time limits, and rewards for recurring tasks. These templates can be reused across multiple productions, saving time and ensuring consistency. Hesh also streamlines payroll accounting by automatically calculating performer rewards based on their time spent on tasks, bonuses, and any adjustments made. This automation eliminates manual calculations and ensures accurate and timely payment for your team.

Mobile Application

Hesh offers a dedicated mobile application that empowers performers to manage their tasks on the go. The app allows performers to view their assigned tasks, track their progress, start and pause timers, and receive notifications. It also provides performers with salary reports and access to technical documentation. The mobile app is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, ensuring that performers can stay connected to their work, even when they're away from their desks.

Product Management

Hesh empowers you with a robust product catalog that goes beyond simple product management. It supports Product Life Cycle Management (PLM) through versioning and drafts, allowing you to track product changes and manage multiple iterations. You can easily add, edit, delete, and organise your products, ensuring your product data is accurate and up-to-date. Hesh also facilitates the creation and management of product technical documentation and bill of operations, providing a central repository for all essential product information. This comprehensive approach ensures that your team has access to the most current and relevant product details, streamlining production and reducing errors.

Last updated