

In the Departments section, you learn how to create and customize departments for your organization. It is very simple and allows you to build the necessary connections within the company structure.


  • Departments can have other sub-departments without limiting the number of nesting levels.

  • Each department can contain several positions.

  • The total number of positions, including positions in nested departments, is shown next to the department icon.

Add Department

  1. Press "Add Department".

  2. Write name of department.

  3. Add as necessary department as needed.

  4. New departments are added in alphabetical order: A → Z ⬆️.

Add nested department

  1. Open department where you want to add nested departments.

  2. Press "Add Department".

  3. Write name of department.

  4. Add as necessary department as needed.

  5. New departments are added in alphabetical order: A → Z ⬆️.

Here is the full path through your departments.

Department breadcrumbs

Edit Department

  1. To edit the name of the department just press on it.

  2. Edit necessary info.

  3. Save changes.

Move Department

Delete Department

  1. Press ⋮ to open contex menu.

  2. Choose delete option from the list.

  3. You can delete main department with all nested inside or only nested.

  4. If the selected department or its employees are installed in at least one automatic or manual assignment to the task, deletion is prohibited.

  5. If the selected department is not involved in any automatic or manual assignments, a warning message will be displayed and deleting the department will result in the exclusion of all employees associated with it.

Search Department

  • The search for the Department is going on globally. This means that the entered department will be searched at all nesting levels.


Add Position

  1. Open department in what you want to add user or move after creating user to a specific department.

  2. You can select an item from the list or enter a new one that you need.

  3. It is mandatory to assign an employee from the user list to the entered position.

  4. You can add multiple employees with the same position.

Edit position

  1. To edit an item, click on the menu context on the right

  2. Select "Manage" and edit necessary info.

  3. Press "Edit" to save changes.

Move Position

Delete Position

  • Press ⋮ to open contex menu.

  • Choose delete option from the list.

  • You can create position anywhere and then move it to any department.

  • If the selected position or its employees are installed in at least one automatic or manual assignment to the task, deletion is prohibited.

  • If the selected department is not involved in any automatic or manual assignments, a warning message will be displayed and deleting the position will result in the exclusion of all employees associated with it.

Managing User`s Depatrment and Position

You can also assign a department and a position to a coworker through the User page.

Last updated