Info pop-up


The information pop-up window provides detailed production information, allowing you to easily copy or edit production details by simply clicking on them. It is available for all components and add-on components, offering a clear view of the production hierarchy.

By reading this article, learn how to use the information pop-up to effectively manage production details, navigate the production hierarchy, and edit production components and information in real time.

Info pop-up

In the info pop-up you can find all the detailed information about the production. Copy or edit info about production here just by clicking on it.

The info pop-up is available for all components and additional components. In these pop-ups, you can find the production hierarchy.

By default, any changes to the Order Key, External Order Number, or Marketplace Order Number should only be applied to the current production, with no impact on other productions.

аркейд після релізу 2.3

Attribute's NameDescriptionCopiedEditable

Product Name

Name of finished product or service offered by a company


The final date by which the production must be completed

Product Type

The classification or category of the product being produced


A predefined series of steps and processes that guide production from start to finish


The specific arrangement or set of features and specifications for a product


Combination of the parametrs like color, size, or material


The internal supplier or manufacturer providing products

External order ID

A unique identifier for an order received from an external system or marketplace

External order number

The reference number used by external systems to track an order.

Order key

A unique key that links all productions associated with the same order

Production key

The specific identifier for a production within the system, helping to track progress and history


A stock-keeping unit code assigned to the specific configuration of the product

Variant SKU

A stock-keeping unit code for a particular variant of the product.

Creation date

The date on which the production process or task was created in the system

Started date

The date when the production or task officially started - switch from status "To do" to "In Progress"


A machine-readable code assigned to the product for tracking and identification

Product category

The general classification under which the product falls, helping to organize products in the catalog

Created by

The user who submitted “New Production” pop-up

Responsible Departments

The departments assigned to manage or complete the tasks within the production

Estimated time without components tasks

The predicted time required to complete the production, excluding tasks related to components -> sum workflow tasks + additional tasks on canvas

Estimated time

The total predicted time to complete the entire production, including all tasks and components -> sum workflow tasks + additional tasks + all component tasks

Time spent

The actual amount of time that has been spent on the production up to the current date.

Estimated cost without components tasks

The projected cost for the production, excluding the costs related to component tasks.

Estimated cost

The total projected cost for the entire production process

Number of tasks

The total number of tasks within the production workflow, excluding tasks related to components

Number of tasks with components tasks

The total number of tasks, including those related to the components in the production

Number of components

The total number of components used or required in the production process


The list of users assigned to complete the tasks in the production


The customer for whom the production is being carried out

Primary client

The main client for the production, especially when multiple clients are involved


The current version of the production, representing any updates or changes made

Involved departments

The departments that are actively participating in or responsible for various stages of production

More about production attributes editing collected here.

Last updated