

Canvas warnings are like helpful little flags that appear on your workflow template to alert you to potential issues or suggest improvements.

The article will explain the different types of warnings. By reading this article, you will learn how to interpret warnings, understand their meaning, and take appropriate actions to resolve them.


  • If workflow template has at least one issue, then system shows a warning icon with counter (on left top side of canvas)

  • To find out what issue(s) are occured with workflow, just hover over a warning icon

Types of canvas warnings

No Tasks Warning

If you haven't added any tasks, components, or additional tasks to your workflow template, you'll see a warning message. This reminds you to add the necessary elements to your workflow.

Items Overlapped

If you accidentally place multiple tasks or components on top of each other, a warning icon will appear on the topmost item. This helps you identify and fix any overlapping elements.

To resolve overlapped items, simply drag and drop the items to different positions on the canvas until they no longer overlaped.

Cycle Relation Error

If you try to create a circular relationship between tasks (e.g., Task A connects to Task B, and Task B connects back to Task A), system will forbid this. This helps you avoid creating invalid workflow structures.

Review your workflow connections to ensure that there are no circular relationships. Remove or adjust connections as needed.

New Version Available

If a newer version of a component you've added to the canvas is available, system will show a suggestion icon above the component. This prompts you to consider using the updated version for your workflow.

Click the 'Editing menu' button for the component with the 'New version available' suggestion icon. You can then select the newer version from the 'Edit component' pop-up.

Inactive Component

If you've added a component to the canvas, and its product, version, configuration, or workflow is inactive, system will show an 'Inactive' icon above the component. This prompts you to select an active component for your workflow.

Click the 'Editing menu' button for the component with the 'Inactive' icon. You can then select an active component from the 'Edit component' pop-up.

Last updated