Product version preview modal


HESH provides a powerful tool for reviewing past versions of the products. It provides a detailed view of a specific product version, allowing you to compare changes, understand past iterations, and gain valuable insights into your product development process.

You will learn how to iinteract with version preview modal, understand how to review the basic information, configurations, workflows, photos, files, and variants of the selected version.


To open version of a product in a view mode, click on the "Preview" button on the "Version" tab next to the version you want to see

In "View mode", you can not edit the basic information about the product:

  • Change product "category", "type" and "vendor"

  • Change product description

  • Add files or media

  • Add workflows

  • Add variants

Version preview modal key elements

  • Breadcrumbs - allows to navigate back to product detailed view or All products page

  • Header - shows the version number, published date, number of launched productions with this version, category, type, vendor and "Active" toggle

  • "Configuration" tab - shows the configurations that were defined for this version. You can see the SKU, details, attached media and files, workflows, parameters and variants.

    • "Configuration" tab has "More actions" menu with following options:

      • "Edit codes" button - opens "Change identification codes?" pop-up, which allows to edit SKU for configuration and barcodes / individual SKU for variants

      • "Deactivate" button - opens "Inactivate configuration?" pop-up, which allows to inactivate the current configuration

To edit SKU, barcode or variant SKU (individual SKU) follow next steps:

  1. Click on "Edit codes" button

  2. Click on SKU/ barcode/ variant SKU field

  3. Enter new value

  4. Click on check mark button

  5. Click on "Save changes"

To deactivate configuration, follow next steps:

  1. Click on "Deactivate" button

  2. Confirm by clicking on "Inactivate" button on the "Inactivate configuration?" pop-up

Deactivated configuration can't be selected for launching into production. It has to be activated first.

To activate configuration back, follow next steps:

  1. Click on "Activate" button

  2. Confirm by clicking on "Activate" button on the "Inactivate configuration?" pop-up

  • Workflows - allows to view and deactivate the workflows of the configuration.

To view the workflow, scroll to workflow section and click on workflow you want to view

You can also open Task Template in view mode, when you are viewing the Workflow template. See Task template

To deactivate workflow, follow next steps:

  1. Click on "Deactivate" button

  2. Confirm by clicking on "Inactivate" button on the "Inactivate configuration?" pop-up

Deactivated workflow can't be selected for launching into production. It has to be activated first.

To activate workflow back, follow next steps:

  1. Click on "Activate" button

  2. Confirm by clicking on "Activate" button on the "Inactivate configuration?" pop-up

Last updated