Production Page View


The production page offers three different views: Plane view, Product view, and Order view.

The main feature of the production page is the ability to switch between different views depending on whether the production is focused on products or orders. This flexibility allows users to adapt the page to their specific needs and manage workflows more efficiently.

By reading this article, learn how to navigate the production page and use different views to optimize your production management. You will also get an idea of the standard Plane view and how to switch between views depending on your production tasks.

Production page view

The production page can change its view among 3 options:

  • Plane view

  • Product view

  • Order view

Plane view - view by default, which applies to every page reloading.

Order view

Order view shows all productions grouped under one order.

There can be different or the same productions within the same order. For example, you have a customer who ordered 5 dresses. Under this order, you will immediately see all 5 productions and their progress. The progress of the order will be the total percentage of readiness of each of the productions it includes.

To open "Order View":

  1. Click on "Production view" button.

  2. Choose "Order View".

  3. Expand all productions group by order.

  4. Sort the displaying of productions.

  5. Open "More actions" menu to manage the order.

    -Change order details -Change client to the order

In "More action" menu you can also change order client. Change client for all production items in this order. All changes will be applied to its components as well.

Changing the details of an order or a client works as bulk actions, i.e. changings will be applied to all productions with this order.

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