Additional tasks


Additional tasks provide a flexible way to add tasks to your production process that are not directly tied to the main workflow steps.

By reading this article, you will learn how to create new additional tasks within your workflow template and discover how to modify existing additional tasks, including renaming, duplicating, and changing their priority.

Additional Task helps you:

  • Manage tasks that don't fit into the main workflow sequence

  • Add tasks that need to be completed at any point during production

  • Track tasks that are not directly related to the main product workflow


  • Additional Tasks are not part of the main workflow sequence. They are independent tasks that can be completed at any time during the production process

  • You can add tasks as needed, without having to modify the main workflow, even during the production process (Production management)

  • You can add an unlimited number of additional tasks to your workflow template

  • Additional tasks are located in the "Additional task" container on the Workflow template canvas

Adding additional task

  1. Open the workflow template for the product you want to add additional tasks to

  2. Click the 'Additional tasks' container

  3. Click the 'Add Task' button to create a new task

  4. Give the task a name

Additional actions

Additiona tasks have "More action" menu, which allows to do following actions with the item:

  • Duplicate

  • Copy link

  • Delete

  • Rename

"More actions" menu call out

  1. Hover over the Additional task

  2. Click on the button

  3. Select the option from the list

Additional task duplicating

Clicking on the 'Duplicate' button creates a copy of the Additional Task Template item. This is helpful for creating variations of the tasks.

Clicking on the "Copy the link" button copies the link of Task Template to your clipboard. This is useful for sharing the Task Template with others.

Additional task deleting

Clicking on the "Delete" button opens a confirmation modal to delete the task.

Additional task renaming

Clicking on the additional task name, you are able to change task name without need to open Task Template page.

Extra actions

Dragging task to new position

You can rearrange the order of additional tasks by dragging and dropping them in the list.

Searching Additional tasks

Use the 'Search' field to quickly find specific additional tasks within the list.

Changing priority of the Additional task

Click on the task priority indicator to open a dropdown menu where you can select a different priority level. It saves time as you don't need to open Task Template.

Last updated