Workflow template


Workflow template is a powerful tool for defining and managing the production process for your products. Workflow Templates can be customized to accommodate different production needs, offering flexibility.

By reading this article, you will learn how to create new workflow templates for your products, including adding tasks, components, and relations. Also, you will learn how to modify existing workflow templates.


To open the Workflow template, click on the "Workflow" card in the "Workflows" section on the Product page

Workflow template key elements

  • Breadcrumbs - a navigational tool that allows you to keep track of the current location and navigate to the needed location

Workflow template breadcrumbs behavior:

  • Clicking on the "Back" button returns you to the previous page from which you came to the current one

  • Clicking on the "Home" button returns you to Homepage

  • Clicking on the "All products" button redirects you to the All products page

  • Clicking on the "Category" name redirects you to the All product page view filtered by this category

  • Clicking on the "Product name" redirect you to the Product page first in order configuration view

  • Workflow name displays the current workflow name

  • Header - shows the "Prefer to autoassign" button and "Active" toggle

    • If "Prefer to autoassign" button is turned on, then system will assign to the task users among ones that have completed at least 1 task in this production and are in the list of candidates to perform the task (after production will be launched Production launch)

    • "Active" toggle allows to deactivate or activate workflow accordingly.

  • Summary indicators - shows the total number of tasks, worktime and costs regarding this workflow based on the information that was added in the Task template

  • Draggable items "Add product" and "Add task" - allows to add operations ("components" and "tasks") of the workflow

  • "Additional tasks" container - shows the number of additional tasks in the workflow and allows to add additional task to the workflow Additional tasks

  • Interactive minimap - allows to resize the canvas by enabling full-screen mode

Creating a workflow

As each product has its own workflow, Hesh allows to be flexible with crafting one you need. You can add semi-finished products (components), tasks or additional tasks (Additional tasks) to create the custom workflow.

To do so:

  1. Pull down the "Add product" item

  2. Select the needed product, version, configuration and workflow template

  3. Click on "Add" button

To add tasks to workflow:

  1. Pull down the "Add task" item

  2. Enter task name

  3. Click on "Save" button

  • Click on the "connect point" of the component and drag the line to the "connect point" of the task to creates relation between them on the canvas.

To remove relation, clicks on relation line and then ‘X’ icon, which appeared in the middle of the relation line.

Additional actions

Components and tasks have "More action" menu, which allows to do following actions with the item:

  • Edit (available only for components)

  • Copy link

  • Duplicate

  • Delete

  • Rename (available only for tasks)

"More actions" menu call out

  1. Hover over the component or task

  2. Click on ✏️ button

  3. Select the option from the list

Component editing

Clicking on the "Edit" button calls out the "Edit component" pop-up to modify the settings (version, configuration, workflow template) of the component or interchange the component completely. This gives you the power to update component settings without creating a new version.

Clicking on the "Copy link" button copies the link of the component's Product Details Page (PDP) to your clipboard. This is useful for sharing the component information with others.

Component duplicating

Clicking on the 'Duplicate' button creates a copy of the component item on the canvas. This is helpful for creating variations of the component.

The duplicate of the component is placed on top of the original component, therefore system shows a warning ‘2 items intersected’.

Component deleting

Clicking on the "Delete" button opens a confirmation modal to delete the component. Be careful, as deleting a component will also delete all of its output relations.

Clicking on the "Copy link" button copies the link of Task Template to your clipboard. This is useful for sharing the Task Template with others.

Task duplicating

Clicking on the 'Duplicate' button creates a copy of the Task Template item on the canvas. This is helpful for creating variations of the tasks.

The duplicate of the task is placed on top of the original task, therefore system shows a warning

Task deleting

Clicking on the "Delete" button opens a confirmation modal to delete the task. Be careful, as deleting a task will also delete all of its output relations.

Task renaming

Clicking on the ✏️ button of the task, you are able to change task name without need to open Task Template page.

Last updated